Change Management
Here are some tools and techniques -
Understanding Change
Planning Change
Implementing Change
Choose a workflow, or make your own with Front Software

Revolutionizing the way your team works!
Benefits of Learning
Here are some of the biggest benefits of learning a new skill –
Your brain chemistry changes.
Your learning speed increases.
You make connections between skill areas.
Integrate with the tools and workflow you already use

Organizations implement change successfully
There are five factors that influence an individual's response to change. These are: the nature of the change and its consequences, the organization's and individual's histories, and the individual's personality type
Address people's concerns
Many organizations will likely come up against some resistance. This is often because people worry about the consequences of the new way of working or don't fully understand what they need to be doing now.
Clarify the outcome
The organization also needs to be clear about what needs to be changed and why it's so important.You need someone to lead change by making it clear where you're going and why you're going there. Only then will you get all the necessary people on board.
Know your limitations
It's also important to know your limits, and when you might need to call in outside help. This might involve getting advice from internal or external experts.
Set your measures for success
You need to demonstrate that the change is being implemented successfully. So it's essential that you know how you're going to determine this.
Make a collaborative decision
Sometimes an organization knows that it needs to make some changes but doesn't quite know how to achieve them.One of the difficulties with the practical application of change theories is that they're often predicated on knowing, precisely, the outcome.
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Change is Learning - Learning is Change 
Before participating in a learning event participants should have a thorough understanding of what they are expected to learn, how their behavior is expected to change, the results they are expected to achieve, and how these results contribute to the overall goals of the organization.
During the learning event the focus is on assimilating new knowledge and skills. An effective learning event will engage them to apply what they already know to build relevant skills and knowledge that they can focus on and practice during the class.
Applying what one has learned is where 80% of learning takes place. It is using the skills and knowledge within the work environment that makes the learning stick, causing a behavior change that produces desired results. In this phase it is important to experience early success. This early success depends on leadership support and coaching. Existing work systems, and often the people, resist change. Since learning is changing behavior, people will encounter resistance. They will need someone supporting them with encouragement, coaching and running interference as they attempt to adapt their behavior.